
Dice Throne: Season Two!

Created by Gavan Brown of Roxley Games

Go to for the current Dice Throne storefront!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Report - 2018.12.31 - Happy Holidays! KS fulfillment completing!
about 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 01, 2019 at 12:56:37 AM

Late to the party? Season Two Champion Edition can still be preordered here!  

TL;DR - Happy Holidays to you and your family!  Fulfillment is completing as we speak. Dice Throne will be at PAX South in January!

Kickstarter Fulfillment Update

Please note the below applies to Kickstarter backers only (not preorder customers).

USA - All orders shipped - 4561 out of 4928 orders have arrived to their destinations. If you have not received your order yet, do not worry!  Your package is still likely en route.  If you haven't received a tracking number, please read the "I didn't get a tracking number!" section below.

Canada - Complete - If you have not received your order yet, do not worry! Your package is still likely en route. If you haven't received a tracking number, please read the "I didn't get a tracking number!" section below.

Europe - Complete - If you have not received your order yet, do not worry! Your package is still likely en route. If you haven't received a tracking number, please read the "I didn't get a tracking number!" section below.

Australia / New Zealand - Complete - If you have not received your order yet, do not worry! Your package is still likely en route. If you haven't received a tracking number, please read the "I didn't get a tracking number!" section below.

South East Asia and Rest of World - Complete, pending confirmation from VFI. We believe these are all complete, but we are waiting for final tracking numbers from the following hubs:

  • Philippines
  • South Africa 
  • Indonesia 
  • Thailand 

Brazil - Brazilian orders are being shipped to Conclave. When it is received in Brazil, it will take up to 14 days to be cleared by customs. Conclave will then dispatch the product immediately after it arrives. Customers will be responsible for paying the duty on their order to receive it.

I didn't get a tracking number!

If you've not received a tracking number, follow these steps: 

  • Are you a preorder? If so, do not worry as most preorders have not been processed or shipped yet (please see the preorder section below). 
  • Check your email again for your tracking number - Check your email and spam box for your tracking number. 
  • Ensure that you filled out your survey - Visit and search for the email address connected to your kickstarter account in the "Lost your survey" box. This will allow you to recover your survey to ensure that you've filled it out.  If you haven't, please fill it out immediately so we will send your order to you 
  • Contact us - After you have confirmed that you are not a preorder customer, you do not have tracking number in your inbox and spam, and that you have filled out your survey... and you still do not have your tracking information or your order, please email us at [email protected]

I preordered and have not received tracking!

It is likely that your order hasn't shipped yet. To ensure that all Kickstarter backers receive their orders first, all preorders made after December 7, 2018 have not yet been processed. If you are a preorder backer and have not received tracking info:  

  • Your Order will be processed by the end of this week. 
  • Please allow up to 1.5 weeks to receive tracking for your order.

You can still preorder the game!

If your family and friends love Dice Throne as much as you do, they can still get a copy!

Have them visit: to order the game! Preorders are processed and shipped within 2 weeks of the order being received.

Preorder stock: All major regions still have copies of Dice Throne available for preorder.  Please be aware that we can fulfill preorders based on availability in your region.  If some items in your region are out of stock, we will send you an email to inform you before processing your order.

PAX South

PAX South is right around the corner and this will be our 3rd time Dice Throne has been at PAX South! From the Indie Showcase to last year being the release of Season one. And now, here we are, with Season Two. We have an even bigger booth than last year and we'll be open and playing games all day and night during PAX! Come and join us! It's going to be a blast! 

Part of Team Dice Throne at PAX U
Part of Team Dice Throne at PAX U
Our amazing volunteers helping teach new players!
Our amazing volunteers helping teach new players!
Incredible cosplay of Gunslinger from PAX U!
Incredible cosplay of Gunslinger from PAX U!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It has truly been a breathtaking year! We owe so much to all of you who have supported us through this marathon of development and production! We look forward to what the new year brings. We hope to be "cooperative" with you all as we all "explore" this vast world as a "team". There are so many adventures ahead! If only that dastardly Mad King wasn't in the way. Someone should do something about him. 

Rules questions? We got answers.

Do you have a question about a rule during a game?  Get your question answered by the Dice Throne pros by joining the Dice Throne Facebook community group.  You can also connect with other fans and the creators there, sharing your experiences!

Share your experience on Boardgamegeek!  

Every little bit of discussion helps Dice Throne! If you are on Boardgamegeek, we would love to hear your honest review and rating on the Dice Throne: Season Two boardgamegeek page! Also consider sharing your game images in the gallery, or share a play session in the forum!

-  Keep rollin' Ultimates,  

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Status Report - 2018.12.10 - Fulfillment update! Manny Live Art Stream tonight at 7 PST!
about 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 01:25:23 AM

Late to the party? Season Two Champion Edition can still be preordered here!

TL;DR - USA Fulfillment is around 60% complete. All other regions nearing completion or already complete. PAX Unplugged was a great success, see pics below!  

Fulfillment Report!  

If you have not received a tracking number, your package may not have been sent out yet. If you are in a country that has finished sending out all packages and you haven't seen your tracking number, please check your BackerKit email, including your spam / junk folder.

The dates below are estimates.

Europe Port Arrival Date: Arrived! 
Europe Fulfillment Starts: Complete!
Current Status: All packages have been sent out for the EU. A few packages going to the Middle East and a few RoW locations. If you have not received your order yet, please be patient as it should be to you very soon.

USA Port Arrival Date: Arrived!  USA Fulfillment Starts: Started!
Current Status: Funagain has now sent out nearly 60% of packages (as of Friday). Not only did the USA have the most amount of product to ship out, but they also received their container last because of USA Thanksgiving. Their current estimated time of completion is sometime next week. Thank you to all our American backers for your patience--the Funagain team is working hard to get your game to you as soon as possible.

Full USA Breakdown:Don't have tracking yet (not sent): 38% (1833 / 4837) Preparing to ship (Have tracking but not shipped yet): 5% (203 / 4837) In Transit (Shipped but not yet delivered): 20% (991 / 4837)  Delivered: 37% (1810 / 4873)

Canada Port Arrival Date: Arrived!  
Canada Fulfillment Starts: Complete!
Current State: Complete! All orders have been shipped out to Canadian backers. If you have not received yours yet, please be patient as it should be to you very soon.

Asia (and Rest-of-world) Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
Asia (and Rest-of-world) Fulfillment Starts (Est): Started!
Current State: Asia is Complete! All orders have been shipped out to China and South East Asia backers. The only exception may be Indonesia, which VFI has stated would be sent out first thing this week. If you have not received yours yet, please be patient as it should be to you very soon. For Rest-of-World (such as South Africa and South America), VFI Asia is working on sending these to a hub in your country. They will email you with an update once these ship out and will inform who will contact you when they are ready for final delivery.

Australia / NZ Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
Australia / NZ Fulfillment Starts: Complete! 
Current State: Complete! All orders have been shipped out to Australia / NZ backers. If you have not received yours yet, please be patient as it should be to you very soon.

Preorders reopened

Do you have a friend who missed the Kickstarter? Want to purchase the game for someone you know as a gift? Want to get all 17 playmats?  Well, you are in luck!  Dice Throne preorders are now live again, here:

Note: All preorders will be fulfilled after Kickstarter fulfillment is complete.
Note2: Don't forget you can earn stuff for free from our store by dropping off flyers at your FLGS--you earn if they purchase our discounted deal!

Manny Live Stream - Tonight @ 7pm PT

To celebrate a whopping 3000 members in our Dice Throne Community Facebook group, Manny Trembley will be doing a super cool piece of art tonight on Facebook Live stream!  If you haven't watched Manny live, now's your chance!  

Click here to join the event so that you receive a reminder of when we go live, or join our Dice Throne Community Facebook Group here


PAX Unplugged Recap

There are many who joined and sacrificed much to help us: Aaron Hine, Daniel Tolczyk, Aaron Waltmann, Jonathan HT, Drake Finney, Sadelle Finney, Paul Saxberg, Al Leduc, April-Lyn Caouette, Anthony, Shannon, Mike, Nathan (Wooded Realms) and so many other people that make a show run smoothly. We can't possibly thank you all enough!

We also had some wonderful encounters with Becca Scott from Geek & Sundry and the Shut Up & Sit Down crew! We can't wait to share more :) 

The calm before the storm--setup complete!
The calm before the storm--setup complete!
The booth was insanely busy!
The booth was insanely busy!
S02 really pops against the Wooded Realms tables!
S02 really pops against the Wooded Realms tables!
Katie Green surprised us with an amazing Gunslinger cosplay!
Katie Green surprised us with an amazing Gunslinger cosplay!
Becca Scott from Geek & Sundry joined for 2 games!
Becca Scott from Geek & Sundry joined for 2 games!
Even Shut Up & Sit Down joined in on the action!
Even Shut Up & Sit Down joined in on the action!
Love thy Nerd are such amazing people!
Love thy Nerd are such amazing people!

Share your experience on Boardgamegeek!  

Every little bit of discussion helps Dice Throne! If you are on Boardgamegeek, we would love to hear your honest review and rating on the Dice Throne: Season Two boardgamegeek page! Also consider sharing your game images in the gallery, or share a play session in the forum!


Keep rollin' Ultimates,  

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Status Report - 2018.11.26 - Fulfillment is underway!
about 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 01:38:02 AM

Late to the party? Pre-orders are temporarily closed while fulfillment commences. We will let you know when they re-open (timeframe is TBD).

TL;DR - Canada & Australia have begun fulfillment. All other zones are scheduled to begin fulfillment this week (see below for exact dates). Visit us at PAX U, booth 2425! $20 Dice Throne credit available (see below)!

Fulfillment Report!

The past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind of activity with fulfillment. The good thing is, there have been no catastrophic events, or show-stopping hurdles so far.    

The dates below are estimates.

Europe Port Arrival Date: Arrived! Europe Fulfillment Starts: Nov 30
Current Status: Containers arriving at the Fulfillment Center. Packaging and preparing for shipping. The EU fulfillment start date was delayed a few days because we needed to change fulfillment services at the last minute (due to backup facing Gamesquest). We were luckily able to immediately divert the shipment to Spiral Galaxy, who will now be starting to send the games out November 30!  We were super fortunate that Spiral Galaxy was able to take this job on with such short notice!

USA Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
USA Fulfillment Starts: Nov 29
Current Status: One container has arrived at the fulfillment center, the other 2 will be delivered Wednesday. Shipping will begin Wednesday. The USA fulfillment start date was delayed a few days, because not all of the containers could get onto a train before Thanksgiving, and apparently the entire country shuts down for half a week during this holiday.

Canada Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
Canada Fulfillment Starts: Started!
Current State: Shipped orders - 400/850 - We assume they will be completely done within a week.

Asia (and Rest-of-world) Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
Asia (and Rest-of-world) Fulfillment Starts (Est): Nov 28
Current State: Packaging and preparing for shipping. VFI was delayed 9 days and is currently packing up games to get ready for shipment. They have told us they will begin in earnest on Wednesday.

Australia Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
Australia Fulfillment Starts: Packages being sent out
Current State: Shipped orders - 224 / 320 - There was an error with the freight to Gameology. Some of the Huntress / Tactician boxes were somehow left at the factory.  The factory immediately air shipped them to Australia. They should be arriving within a day or two. We assume they will complete the last hundred orders within the week. 

Want live updates? Join the Dice Throne Facebook group!

We thank everyone for your patience as we try our absolute best to get you your games before the holidays.

Share your unboxing on social media!

When you receive your copy of Dice Throne: Season Two, please tell the world! Canada's Chad Walden was the first Throner to share his photo in the Dice Throne Facebook community group. Please share those unboxing pics/vids to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!


Share your experience on Boardgamegeek!

Every little bit of discussion helps Dice Throne! If you are on Boardgamegeek, we would love to hear your honest review and rating on the Dice Throne: Season Two boardgamegeek page! Also consider sharing your game images in the gallery, or share a play session in the forum!

PAX Unplugged

Come visit our booth at PAX Unplugged this week! We are at Booth #2425! Come say hello so we can thank you in person for your amazing support of Dice Throne.


FLGS Holiday Referral Program!

Want a $20 Dice Throne Credit? The FLGS Holiday referral program will be active from now until the end of 2018!

Keep rollin' Ultimates,  

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley 

Status Report - 2018.11.14 - Fulfillment beginning soon?! Ultimate!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 01:08:55 AM

Late to the party? Pre-orders are currently closed until fulfillment completes.  When fulfillment is done, we will reopen direct orders through BackerKit!

TL;DR - The ships are approaching!  Barring inspections or the boats sinking to the bottom of the ocean, fulfillment is likely to start November 26 (or sooner) for most regions.  See below for exact dates.

Fulfillment Schedule

Here is the tentative fulfillment schedule.  As discussed in previous updates, we have instructed our fulfillment services to perform fulfillment as soon as they are able.  Roxley does not hold back stock in any region.  We know it can be difficult when we see people on social media having fun with a game and we don't have ours yet (we back Kickstarters too).  But we ask that people try to please be patient during fulfillment.  It is our intention to get your game to you as soon as humanly possible, while ensuring that we minimize probability of damage during transport.   

The dates below are estimates.

Europe Port Arrival Date: Nov 18  
Europe Fulfillment Starts (Est): Nov 26 

USA Port Arrival Date: Nov 17
USA Fulfillment Starts (Est) : Nov 26 

Canada Port Arrival Date: Nov 19 
Canada Fulfillment Starts (Est): Nov 24

Asia (and Rest-of-world) Port Arrival Date: Arrived!
Asia (and Rest-of-world) Fulfillment Starts (Est): Nov 19  

Australia Port Asia Arrival Date: Arrived!
Australia Fulfillment Starts: Nov 19 

Regarding order of fulfillment in your zone

We lay out our preference to our fulfillment services that the furthest-away orders are shipped first, but ultimately Roxley entrusts our fulfillment partners to deliver orders in the manner they deem to be most efficient.

Brazilian Fulfillment: In Brazil we are currently in the process of determining the best course of action for getting your games to you.  It is likely we will be importing your games into Brazil using a Brazillian publishing partner, and then shipping them to you from there.  Duty and tax will be collected before you can receive the game.  We will email you more information on this when it is available.

Rest of World: VFI and Gamesquest will be sending out rest-of-world orders.  In many cases, these will be sent via surface post.  Surface post orders can take up to 90 days to arrive (usually 30-45).  We thank you for your patience.

FLGS Referral Program

Keep rollin' Ultimates, 

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Status Report - 2018.10.30 - Freight began Oct 17! Seraph VS Vampire Lord Unboxing!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 02:41:24 AM

Late to the party? Season Two Champion Edition can still be preordered here!

TL;DR - Team Roxley had a great show in Essen, Germany. Freight began Oct 17! Last chance for Selfie Contest! Seraph VS Vampire Lord Unboxing video below!

Manufacturing & Freight

Manufacturing was completed on time and loaded onto ships by Oct 19! We will provide more information regarding our fulfillment plan in the coming weeks while the games are cruising across the ocean!

Roxley @ Spiel Essen 2018!

Roxley was at Spiel Essen last week! We sold every single game for a total of 550 games over the 4 days! Brass Birmingham sold out in under 4 hours.  

Essen Booth before the show begins!
Essen Booth before the show begins!

The response to Dice Throne was inspiring and wonderful! Our European friends took to Dice Throne's fast an exciting gameplay like an American to Bratwurst and Beer. Here are some photos from the trip:

Paul works harder than all of us! He deserves a rest!
Paul works harder than all of us! He deserves a rest!

Battle Box 4 Unboxing!

Today, Nate performs an unboxing of Battle Box 4 - Seraph vs Vampire Lord!

Battle Box 4 Unboxing: Vampire Lord vs Seraph
Battle Box 4 Unboxing: Vampire Lord vs Seraph

PAX Unplugged T-shirt preorder ends soon!

Are you going to PAX unplugged? Do you also want a super awesome Dice Throne T-Shirt to don at the show, professing your inner Throner to the world? Well since the answer is of course "yes!" you should check out the t-shirt preorder page!

These shirts are made-to-order so they will not be available for purchase at the show. But if you order one by this Thursday, it will be available for pickup at our booth!

T-shirt orders will be cut off this Thursday, (Nov 1).

Selfie Contest Ends tomorrow!

We will be announcing the winners of the Barnes & Noble selfie contest tomorrow on the Dice Throne community page!

Keep rollin' Ultimates,  

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley